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Why Funke Akindele Walked Out Of Her 14months Miserable Marriage




When funke Akindele Annouced mid April 2012 that she was getting married to controversial Bussinessman Kenny Oloyede many were shocked and worried,their basis of worry was Kenny lifestyle and past record with women,When on Monday funke Husband announced that he was out of the Marriage on his facebook Account,A lot of people didn’t know that the marriage had broken up months back due to lack of trust,funke Expectations not being meet and a lot of spirturual attacks,here is what bononline was able to gather from those who should know

Funke Expectations

When funke decided to marry Kenny,she had just gotten out of a bad relationship which she had put all her heart hoping it will lead to the Altar but the young man told his friends that he walked away because funke was obivious still seeing her Actor boyfriend Femi Adebayo as the guy who was the pa to a top official of ogun state during the last regime checked her phone behind her and discovered Funke was lying to her over a lot of issues,when Kenny came back to the picture she held on to him and hide it from her family because of the various bad news that Kenny came with and it was only 3 weeks to their marriage that she told her family of the descion to marry Kenny and our sources disclosed that the

marriage Wont have been approved if Funke was not the bread winner of the famiy as her parents only saw Kenny once before the marriage ceremony and based on their strong Christaian background but funke insisted that the marriage was the only thing that would make her happy and they decided to give their support because they were one of the reasons that she walked away from femi Adebayo and they were beginning to get scared that funke might remain single,during the course of their marriage Kenny never pampered funke except during their honeymoon and unlike the lies he told funke that they were going to move to a Lekki home,funke still lived in her ikeja flat till the marriage packed up and Kenny only visited like a boyfriend and our source also disclosed that Kenny was not as rich as he used to be and funke had to pay a lot of bills,not that she mind anyway but she could not stomach paying the bills and Kenny not being all over her and still using her money to womanise,infact she paid for more than half of the wedding bills and many weeks after the wedding many bills were still unpaid.

How the Marriage broke up

We gathered that before Kenny went public on Monday night,he was frustrated by funke who refused to pick his calls or return sms ,funke also politely turned down overtures from friends who tried to talk her away from separation as Kenny could not believe that Funke could walk away from him as he was used to walking away from women not the other way around,later a close friend of the couple informed Kenny that funke had decided to move and was just thinking of the best way,we gathered that on Sunday evening and all through Monday Kenny persistently called funke but she refused to pick,it was this anger that made Kenny to post the infamous link on facebook so as to proect his Ego.


Those who Warned Funke About the Wedding

Sources reveal that the marriage has cost Funke quite a lot of friends,one woman who was her major supporter and friend is Mrs Abimbola fashola 1st lady of Lagos who loved funke silly,she was said to have advised her against the marriage and also deliberately didn’t attend because according to her she cant fathom why Funke who is a role model to many Young ladies would be marrying a man with 3 wives and since she got married she has avoided inviting funke to major state functions , also the pastor of Mfm where her mother is a strong member held a one on one with funke to look for a single man.

Funke Akindele proof

Funke obvious didn’t manage the communication link between her and her media friends when the story broke up,instead of the Funke Camp to either deny or confirm the story they simply went defensive fighting all imaginary enemies,An Amateur way of handlng issues and bringing sentiment instead of facing issues,if not that Funke is helping out a sister who desperately needs the account ,her management of such a critical stage of her life is enough to get her sacked off the account.

Stella Dimoko was the only journalist who spoke to funke,here is their conversation

Funke how do you feel now that your marriage has ended after just a year?you must be going through a hard time right now. People are laughing at you.


…….thank you for calling Stella. First of all let me clarify that I have not replied any sms or spoken to anyone on this development before now and neither have I threatened to sue anyone, I do not know who sent out that sms denying that my marriage is over,that was what necessitated me sending out a press release so as not to confuse the public, especially my fans whom I’m so passionate about. I’ve been unable to pick calls due to my busy schedule on set and I needed to settle down before picking any calls,so you called at the right time.

I will address this issue now and thereafter face my career and try to concentrate on the things i have on my plate at the moment…Yes my marriage has crashed.
Let the people who are laughing at me continue laughing,my job afterall is to make people laugh. Let those who are without sins or mistake cast the first stone.let them continue judging me.God is the overall judge,he is the one i look up to.

I am shocked funke.why the silence all these while why?why facebook?

Its my private life,i know i am a public figure but i am entitled to some privacy at least . what has happened has happened,No one is beyond mistakes.i will take corrections from this and apply where necessary from now on- i bear Mr Kehinde Oloyede no ill feelings.

She didnt want to continue the interview and I had to respect her wish and stop probing.


Before the Monday facebook story,the majority of media guys have been nice to funke as they look the other way as Alhaji Kenny oloyede continued to live like a bachelor but the case of funke and her current media managers are like the case of a professional footballer who has seen it all but still sticks to an Amateur pr manager who does not know her left from her right,Right from when the story broke it took them time to respond with a strategy and this is the first time I see a pr manager going all out to fight major bloggers even on twitter and sending bbm messages when her client is in the middle of the crisis and going for the head of a top Entairtenement writer who had enjoyed a roller coaster relationship with the Actress in the past to the extent of threatening to sue his papers and also giving appointments and refusing to pick calls,All this attitude points to the fact that the prmanagers are wack and lack depth.

Spiritual Attack

Funke during the 14months marriage was pregnant thrice and lost the pregnant in circumstances that were mysterious and this added to the belief that she had to run for dear llife as it seems that Kenny Enemies and those not happy with the marriage were bent on catching her there.

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