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Doncil & Didier Sweet Ireland Wedding | Ola Ere Photography



Didier and I met online on those social network we use back in 2007 but I don’t remember who added who as we had no mutual friends.



One day he commented on my picture and I said who is this guy commenting on my pictures but I returned the favour. I always used to go to bed really late and somehow so was he we ended up chatting as we both were online. That went on for months but because he is such a calm guy our conversation were most about life, advice and nothing more we had never seen each other not even Web cam as he wouldn’t. When I would have a though day I know I have someone who will listen to me. When I planned my summer holiday to france we discussed maybe going for a coffee to see the person behind the computer but what I forgot to mention was I lived in Ireland and he in Belgium. We agreed on a day for him to come to Paris and meet somewhere public. I was excited to finally meet him in person but the day that he was meant to come down he never did and he also never called, I was so disappointed because from chatting to him he didn’t seem like the type to stand a girl up.


Days passed he called and apologised as he was called ti work that day but I was having none of it anymore. After awhile I said let me enjoy my holiday with my cousin and forget all about guys which I did. We agreed to stop talking since we didn’t even know what this was, meaning was it friendship or what?? I moved on enjoyed my summer and 2 days before I came back to Ireland he somehow called me on my cousins number told me he wants to see I said to him I was here for 2 months you never came now it is too late as I am leaving in 2 days he couldn’t believe it and said I will come see you in Ireland. I remember never having laughed at something so much and answered hin yeah yeah you sure will come.

The week I came back he wouldn’t stop calling me to organise his trip , I was helping him but was not interested but than he called one day when I was at my sisters house he called and said he bought his ticket and was coming in a week. I got nervous, excited but mostly scared when the days got closer I decided I will not go see him. He seemed to nice and had a really calm voice I was looking for excuses not to go meet but my best friend Stella called me shouting on the phone go girl you need a good guy for once so I told he I had no money for the bus she said girl I will send you money take the bus go meet this guy.


When I got to Dublin I stayed at my friends Jocelines house we both couldn’t sleep stayed up all night talking about this guy that I was going to meet. On the 6th of September 2008 he texted me at 6 am that he arrived in Dublin I couldn’t sleep anymore as I couldn’t believe he came to Ireland to see me but in away I was still doubting that he was here. At around 11 am me and Joceline went to see him at the hotel he was staying as we were waiting in the hall way we told reception to let him know we were there.. As he walked towards us in the lobby I lifted my head than I saw him and the first thing that came to my head was that is the father of my kids, my future husband without while at the same time my friend pinched me and said he is hot girl..he took the 2 of us for dinner and the next day he went back to belgium.. He came again at the end of the months after dinner he asked me to be his girlfriend, I looked at him and said you live in Belgium I live here how is that going to work he said he will find a way, I asked him to give me some time to think about it which he did.

We had the time if our lives and at the end I said yes..He left came back 2 months later but we would talk everyday on the phone back then there was no lyca so we could use up 75euro credit in a day but we both were working so it didn’t even seem much. When he came back in November I asked him to stay in Ireland he said “Doncil your mad” I just got a promotion I live there he asked him to go to Belgium not that day but eventually I said your mad I can’t live without my family- While going to the airport it became even harder and he said to me he was going to stay and I said to myself oh s**t am I making the right decision what if we hate each other. So I asked him that we should try it out with him for a months if it doesn’t work we go our separate ways and he agreed and 7 years later I am now his Mrs..The following year I found out I was pregnant with my first child. The day our family met for the first time as we were having a baby he kneed down in my parents house and proposed to me with a ring 7 years , 3 kids and it has all happened. 7 is my lucky number and we said on the 1st of January 2015 before this year ends we will get married so we had a well deserved and well earned 3 day event wedding.

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