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What is The Size of Your Ego That It Cannot Be Moved… Read The Wise Words By TV Presenter, Emma Ugolee



Popular Tv Presenter, Emma Ugolee took to his Instagram page to dish out some wise words to reflect on. We hope someone reading this will be inspired . Read his post below.

From Emma Ugolee

Who is that one person deep down inside you know you should be having this friendly chat with now but you are not?

Closing your eyes, I know you can see him/her that you need to forgive the hurt that they have caused you

What is the size of your ego that it cannot be moved. How heavy can the words “I am sorry” be?


Tommorow is not promised to anyone. Many living right now do so with heavier consciences because they never got a chance to make it right before the dear ones departed

Today is that day where you make peace and let it go. Make that call. Send that SMS. Just play your part and enjoy a free heart in this life way too short to live with any animosity.

You find more flowers by tomb stones than dinner tables and hospital beds because feeling regret is a stronger force than showing gratitude. Do the easier earlier. Be a grateful person. Do your best to showing loved ones how grateful you are that they are alive before it is too last.

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