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Diary Of A Photographer: Meet Bayo Omoboriowo; President Buhari Official Photographer Who Grew Up From Mushin Lagos



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Bayo Omoboriowo is from Ekiti State
He was born without silver spoon,
he tasted poverty, experienced the low esteem
Poverty inflicts on its victims but never allowed his past to define him,
he decided to change his story and that he has successfully been able to
looking at what he has done for himself within a space of 6 years

He took his destiny by his hand,
discovered his passion which was photography,
refined and turned it to a business and income making project
One thing you have to give to this young man is this,
he never allowed the distraction that being a youth bring to distract him from his focus
he graduated from University Of Lagos in 2009
and since then he has only been doing one thing,
Photography and today, he is the official photographer of our dear President

Bayo Omoboriowo

Bayo is one of the 20 man delegation that followed Buhari to Germany this morning,
seeing his name on that list brought smile to my face,
this shows how far he has gone and where God has taken him to.
I could not have been prouder of my generation and the envelop we are pushing,
the stories we are changing and the boundaries
we are taking in spite of the difficulties of being a Young Nigerian
Bayo’s life is teaching young people what is possible and doable,
a man born in poverty at Mushin Lagos 28 years ago is flying with the
President all over the world today because of his
passion and determination to give meaning to his life,
what then is your excuse?

Life is too short to just waste on unnecessary
gallivanting. Discover your passion, key into it
and start now. You don’t need capital to start,
you just need few people who believe in your
passion and would do anything to see it come to
fruition. Your network determines your net worth;
those friends around you have a lot to do with
your tomorrow, more than you know.

Bayo’s of this world are passing a compelling message to young people
to leave every other thing that is distracting them and run with their
Lives and destinies are tied to that dream
and that is the more reason you need to take that bold step
and believe in your ability to do it


Again let me emphasize,
Bayo started from the bottom,
he started with zero capital.
he had nothing except his incredible belief in God and the dream he has and nothing more
I wish you all the best in this journey and hope to
celebrate your journey tomorrow

2015 …increase your value!

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  1. Ibk

    June 9, 2015 at 1:04 pm

    I know him. Met him once. Dude is good no doubt. I am a Bayo too, and I will touch the world with my design and songs.

  2. Michelle

    June 9, 2015 at 2:52 pm

    This is very encouraging. A typical grass to grace story with hard work. A timely reminder to me and all out there that one can do anything despite our background. Thanks Helen for sharing.

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