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Mbanefo, A Boy In A Man’s Body 



Matthew 19:5
And he said, ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ 

This above bible verse seems not to be applicable to Louis Mbanefo, who is still tie to his mother’s apron at the age of 40. The problem is that, his life, his brain, and daily routines are so wrapped up in being a son to his mother. 
The simple fact is that Louis is a boy in an adult’s body. He cannot do things for himself. 
Louis has failed as a man, friend, husband and father. You can’t call a man success after kicking out his heavily pregnant wife, KIKE FAJEMIROKUN, and has now taken her to court for custody of their baby.
Does he worry about the health of Kike? Definitely NO.
He is a joke of a man and an unbearable human being. On several occasions I have called Louis to step-up and be a man, instead of stepping up to be responsibly and be a man, husband, companion, friend and father to Kike and the kid, Louis ran away from his responsibilities and moved to Geneva to work for TOTAL
What men do in a relationship is the crucial factor that separates a great relationship from a failed one. The husband who lacks emotional intelligence rejects his wife’s pains. And that what I saw Louis do every day. 
In all marital conflicts, both parties have responsibilities as a speaker and a listener. But Louis, do not want to be either of these.
This is a man who is extremely abusive in more ways than one. He is arrogant beyond explanation but also a highly functioning sociopath so some are not aware of the toxic behaviour within him as he appears ‘charming”. 
The emotionally intelligent husband is interested in his wife’s emotions because he honors and respects her. Louis is far from this statement. His evil behaviour is greased and encouraged by his controlling mother with whom he has an abnormal bond with (maybe oedipus complex?).
No doubt, Louis’s mom is the puppet master and is so hell bent on portraying their family in a superior light, that she will do anything to keep up appearances.
She and her husband live completely separate lives in different countries, (with the husband having numerous girlfriends in Lagos, one of whom lives in 1004) only coming together to appear in union, of which they are most definitely not. 
This 40 year old man, Louis Mbanefo, and his family are not what they appear to be. His behaviour not just to his wife and son but also to others that he sees as ‘competition’ or ‘beneath him’ is truly disturbing and disgusting.
The Mbanefos use religion as a mask, but once you step foot in their realm and truly get to know them, you begin to know what they are about. 
The Mbanefos are the prime example of how not to raise your child, how not to be in marriage, how not to treat people, how not to use religion for evil and how not to live and love. 
I really feel for KIKE FAJEMIROKUN and every day, I wait to see her ordeals turn to dream.

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