Amazing Weddings

Six Important Factors To Consider When Hiring A Wedding Planner



A wedding is a very important occasion and everything possible needs to be done to ensure it is not only successful but also memorable. Planning a wedding is no easy feat at all and it requires a lot of time and effort, excellent organization skills and a great deal of patience. One of the things that can help make a wedding memorable is proper planning.
Nowadays, couples have the option of hiring a wedding planner to help them organize their wedding, which can be a lifeline for those who do not have enough time. However, Looking for a wedding planner might pose a challenging task if one does not know the factors to consider when looking for a competent wedding planner. Today on H.E.B, we will be discussing the factors to consider before hiring a wedding planner. Before you hire a planner, there are some details that you should decide on your own first such as

1. Date of your wedding ceremony
2. Budget of the entire ceremony
3. Wedding theme
4. Whether you prefer the planner to do all the work or someone to assist you in organising your big day.

Once you have all these decisions made then you can move on to choosing a suitable wedding planner. Here are the key factors to consider before hiring a wedding planner.

#1. Credentials

This is a very important factor to consider when in search of a wedding planner. You should look for a wedding planner who has been certified by the relevant regulatory authorities or one who has taken the necessary training in wedding planning. The wedding planner you want to hire must be in possession of a certificate allowing him to offer such services in Wedding planning. When wedding plans are in the hands of a professional wedding planner you can be rest assured that everything will be done in a professional manner. This also gives you ample time to deal with other issues related to the wedding that are not in the jurisdiction of the wedding planner. It is important that you ensure that the wedding planner you want to hire has all the necessary documents to show that he/she is qualified to do the job.


#2. Where the planner lives

If you are looking for a wedding planner, you need not overlook this very important factor. It is important to hire a wedding planner, who resides in the state or area where you live. This helps you save the extra cost of flying the planner to your state. Hiring a wedding planner who comes from far away may be detrimental to your desire to have a memorable wedding occasion. But, if you don’t mind spending extra to get the best service from the planner then you can go ahead.

#3. Experience

Choose a wedding planner who has good experience in planning a wedding. Ask him or her about past wedding projects and if possible, pictures or videos of them. It would also help to have testimonials or references from previous clients. Share with the planner your preferences; bounce ideas off him or her. You will gain insights into whether the wedding planner’s vision and creativity is aligned with what you want. Also, find out how many weddings the planner organizes simultaneously. Some wedding planners may do too much and as a result, will not be able to prioritize and provide your wedding the attention it deserves.

#4. Character and Skill


The character of the planner should be taken into consideration. Excellent organisation skills and an eye for detail are crucial. You should be comfortable with the planner. Choose someone who is worthy of your trust as this person, who you will be placing your confidence in, will be planning the biggest day of your lives.

#5. Communication

Communication cannot be over-emphasised. You should be able to effectively communicate your preferences and needs for your wedding. Communication lines should be open. Check with the planner on the ways to contact each other and the frequency of meetings or updates. Hunt for a wedding planner who you are pleased with his/ her level and mode of communication.

#6. Service Terms

Hiring a wedding planner can be a cost-effective option since he or she has the right contacts to establish deals that are within your budget. A wedding planners may charge a flat rate fee, an hourly fee or a percentage fee based on your wedding budget. Once you have decided on the wedding planner, there should be a written agreement stating clearly the services that will be provided by the planner, your expectations and the agreed fees.


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