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Top PR Measurement Moments in Nigeria 2017



2017 saw a lot of events, growth and education in the Independent PR Monitoring and Measurement Industry in Nigeria  – Here are some of the highlights of 2017.

1.   Public relations Measurement awareness in Nigeria grew from 25% in 2016 to 37% in 2017, with 19% usage of PR Measurement program.

2.   2017 witnessed a remarkable increase in acceptance of the ‘non-validity’ of AVE and also saw a huge drop in the demand for AVE from clients.

3.   P+ Measurement Services hosted the AMEC Measurement Month in Nigeria, where Communications, Public relations and Marketing professionals were educated on the importance of valid metrics and why they should ‘Say No to AVE’

4.   The Nigeria Insurance sector through CAMCONIA threw its weight behind valid PR metrics, by engaging P+ Measurement Services to educate her members on the Importance of PR Measurement and Evaluation program in its Marketing and Communications campaign.


5.   The Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) took the lead by investing energy into the campaign for valid metrics by inviting the Lead Consultant of P+ Measurement Services, Philip Odiakose, to educate PR and Communications professionals on the importance of Media Measurement and Evaluation in Digital Media Campaign during the NIPR annual PR summit in 2017.

6.   2017 saw Nigeria lending her support for the Global Campaign for good measurement by pledging to comply with the Barcelona Principle 2.0.

7.   There was a decrease in the percentage of people with Misconceptions of The Barcelona Principle 2.0 as a Measurement tool instead of a guideline to a PR measurement program, through our relentless education programs.

8. The Media Monitoring & Measurement agencies in Nigeria in 2017, experienced a colossal increase in ‘Fake News’ (which is one of the most serious challenges facing the media industry today) amongst Clients media coverages.

P+ Measurement Services continued the campaign against the industry denounced AVE in Nigeria and the need for PR agencies to stop marking their own homework, the reason being that Media analysis conducted by any organization of its own work lacks independence and objectivity.


Currently led by Philip Odiakose, a Measurati and an advocate of the Barcelona Principle 2.0 and valid PR Metrics.

‘We intend to grow the awareness of good PR measurement in Nigeria and its application to 50% in 2018’ and also debunk the myth that Public relations cannot be measured he said.

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