Dora Akunyili’s Daughter is Set To Be Release a Book About Her Late Mum

A book about the late DG of Nafdac, Dora Akunyili will soon be released. Her daughter Chidiogo Akunyili made this known via her Instagram page. She wrote
It is with great joy that I share with you the news that the book I’ve dedicated a massive chunk of the last four years to birthing, working title “‘I Am Because You Are’ – Conversations with my mother Dora N. Akunyili,” will be published in the Fall of 2021 by @houseofanansi, the same ones who brought us @therealmargaretatwood ?
Yesterday, Oct. 1, Nigeria celebrated 60 years of her independence from British rule.
The book opens with a dedication to Nigeria in my mother’s own voice, as is most of the book. It reads “… I am proud of Nigeria despite the challenges…I love this country with a passion. Without this country, there will not be me…the country has made me who I am.”
It is fitting that at 11:45 PM on Wednesday, September 30, the eve of this day of celebration of Independence 60 years later, an event which took place when she herself was only 6, I handed over her story. I am no believer in auspicious coincidences. And in everything, I see signs of winks of divine guidance. It is the breadcrumbs that lead me through life.
It is what has led this story to come to life. ??
The last years of filling blank pages with her story have been a journey of leaning even more deeply on the broad shoulders of trust in the guidance that is our birthright.
I have been held and guided every step of the way, by Spirit, by ancestors, by my intuition and deep listening. This guidance has led to a most welcome partnership with Anansi. A partnership that, which according to them, is the pivotal beginning of their publishing more African voices and in so doing ensuring that yours and our stories are shared with the world. It was my mother’s belief that the stories we tell shape reality. “We have beautiful stories to tell the global audience and we have to put ourselves in a position to lend our voice to say this is who I am.”
Blessed to be part of this unfolding.
To everyone who has held me and will hold this book, I am because you are, and I cannot wait to share with you the power of this belief through the life and story of a woman whose being continues to inspire so many.
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